St Anne's Church,Stanley is the sister site to St Paul's. You can view the St Anne's memorial by using the following link
August 4th 1914 Britain declares war on Germany, and for the next four years the Great War will continue. A horrific episode in the worlds history that will claim the lives of millions of people, maim and injure thousands more, and deprive families of their loved ones. Prime minister David Lloyd George had promised the enlisting men that they would return to "A land fit for heroes " What most of the returning men came home to was a small cash payment, a civilian suit, and a pair of medals. They then had to join the masses looking for work, often their search was in vain. Injured men recieved a small pension, yet had no chance of employment. These men had fought bravely for king and country, now they returned home to unimaginable hardships. Their biggest fight had started, the fight for themselves and their families to survive.
' When you go home, tell them of us, and say,
for your tomorrow, we gave our today. '
At the outbreak of war the men from the parish of St Paul's took the call to enlist. Many joined the Liverpool King's regiment or other regiments of their choice, often opting for regiments close to their family roots such as Irish, Scottish or Welsh. Some served at sea as Mercantile Marines, with the Royal Navy, or the Air Force. One of the men listed served with the Australian Army. They would all face dangerous times in foreign lands and waters, witness terrible events, and fight in some of the bloodiest ever known. Inevitably some would never return home, paying the ultimate sacrifice with their lives. It was in honour and memory of these brave men that a fitting memorial was erected at the church.
An Old Photograph Of The Memorial
Please use the links at the top of this page to read details about the men listed on the memorial. You will also find details about the church. Where possible I have added details concerning the men, these include census and service records. Due to WW2 bombing only a small fraction of these service records remain so unfortunately not all of the men listed at St Paul's church are included. Sadly due to lack of records I have been unable to find any details about some of them, but their names are entered and the research will be ongoing. I welcome any input and hope that along the way relatives of these brave men, and anybody with an interest will find this website of use. I wanted to remember the men and show that they all had lives to live just like you and me, I hope that I have done them the credit that they deserve. After all they are much more than just names on a war memorial.
I can be contacted at [email protected]
Please feel free to view or sign the guestbook by following this link
I would like to thank Geoffrey Williams and Emma Calderwood at the church for their help with this project. And Martin Jones for kindly allowing photographs of the church to be used.
Thanks go to Pierre Vandervelden for allowing cemetery photographs to be used from his ' In Memory ' Website. And to WW1 Cemeteries for allowing the use of their pgotographs.
Thank You
This Website Was Created In May 2010
Anthony Hogan